Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Poetics Step 2 (Time/Time-Travel)


Go back and forward in time.

The production or presentation of time is very important to film studies. It's a contrast, a bit, to Juillien's argument because I think traveling back in time goes against the propensity, the flow, of things (though I guess going back in time could be the propensity). It is a purposeful dam to the flow of the paintbrush, however, to do this. This step involves two parts.

1. Purposefully make at least one mistake to your digital painting. Save it under a different name, and then go back, through the process of Undoing (ctrl+z). The ability to travel back in time is automatically inherent in Electrical productions. Unlike with traditional painting, where starting over or removing painted sections of your piece, is necessary, with digital painting, the stain, the mistake, literally was NEVER there.

2. Count how many steps you are able to go back in time on the specific program you're using.

My version of GIMP - 325+ [I stopped counting] points back in time that I can go.

Afternote: Be careful not to make any changes as you're going back as it will hinder your change to go forward in time to the spot that you had started. Also, note that you can't pick one aspect to go back in time and disregard the rest (a butterfly effect, perhaps?)

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