The Contrast allows us to see alternative, usually established, methods for structuring our world. In the case of The Propensity of Things,
Jullien utilized an ancient Chinese character -- Shi -- to illuminate
the Chinese vs. (a very general) Western ideologies. For us, this is of
particular importance since literacy as a process is something that we
assume came out of the west. To see the contrast of that in Jullien's
book was very exemplary - We not only had one contrast to work with, we
had two. Electracy is something that is both related to those literate
means, but, more importantly, it is attempting to develop something
quite different.
A small hint: It is important to recognize that this is the Contrast section. As such, the instructions harvested from Propensity
might seem to be off-kilter with the other two texts. There isn't
anything wrong, don't panic, this is just your Contrast speaking.
So that's that, and here we go.....
1. Manipulated
2. Scroll Painting
3. Zoom in Zoom out
4. Time Machine Propensity
5. Outside Over There
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